Finding Your Purpose Driven Employees 


Are you planning to grow your team? Recruiting new team members is no doubt an exciting prospect. The fact that you need some extra hands on deck signals a positive outlook for your company.

But as you may know if you’ve started your hiring journey, it can also be a challenging process. The difficulty of hiring top talent is only exacerbated in a competitive market. In Australia, demand for highly skilled professionals currently outweighs supply. We’re facing a significant shortage of skilled labour, which makes hiring top talent all the more complex.

The latest research from the National Skills Commission, which highlights key findings and trends in recruitment activity in Australia, found that the ‘recruitment difficulty rate’ increased by 11 percentage points from December 2021 to January 2022. The research also identified a record high of 68% of recruiting employers who experienced recruitment difficulty in January 2022.

So what can you do to boost your chances of hiring the right people?

These 7 expert tips will help you to attract and recruit incredible talent — even in a competitive market.

1. Demonstrate Genuine Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

One of the best ways you can be successful in hiring in a competitive market is to demonstrate your company’s genuine commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Job seekers and employees alike are increasingly looking to work for companies with a proven track record of engaging in meaningful CSR.

Nearly nine in ten (86%) employees prefer to support or work for companies that care about the same issues as they do, according to a poll conducted by PwC in March and April 2021. Young people are particularly interested in working for such companies, with research from Deloitte highlighting that 44% of Millennials and 49% of Gen Z made choices over the type of work they are prepared to do or organisations they'd work for based on personal ethics.

Successive research also shows the strong link between CSR and talent acquisition. Having a CSR program in place shows candidates that your company is purpose-driven. It is a powerful demonstration that your company is serious about ‘putting its money where its mouth is’ when it comes to corporate social responsibility. It also helps you to stand out in a competitive recruitment market, by establishing your organisation as an employer of choice with a strong reputation for CSR.

So how can your company meaningfully engage in CSR? One of the best ways is to start using a CSR digital giving platform like Catalyser.

Catalyser is an all-in-one giving platform that makes CSR easy and effective. By bringing all of your different giving activities together on a single platform, Catalyser empowers you to achieve greater employee engagement in CSR, as well as social impact success.

To see how Catalyser can boost your CSR efforts and help you attract and retain top talent, get in touch with the Catalyser team today.